Health Benefits of Conjugated Linoleic Acid


It is also resistant to insulin since provides the effect of the synthetic diabetic drugs and while being tested on diabetes of type 2; it was shown that the circulation of glucose has been reduced and the action of the insulin has been improved. If the person consumes the acid for 8 weeks, the improvement results will be seen soon.

The research that was made of the humans has shown that those people who have been taking the conjugated linoleic acid and been exercising, while having some diet and a diet plan, have lost a lot of weight and the lean body mass was increased. Some previous studies have shown that while the acid reduces the body fat, it also preserves the muscle tissue and improves the metabolism, so when the person has cold or flu, the organism can fight the bacteria better.

Since the conjugated linoleic acid cannot be made in the body, the human has to intake it from some natural sources, like dietary sources or beef made from grass-fed animals.

What are the effects of the natural CLA?

  • It is lower in total fat and contains higher levels of beta-carotene

  • It has higher levels of vitamin E.

  • It is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, riboflavin, thiamin, potassium, calcium, B-vitamins, healthy omega-6 fatty acids, vaccenic acid and is lower in saturated fats that can be the cause of the heart disease.

Since the conjugated linoleic acid can be found in the meat of a grass-fed animal, like cows, the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is different than the ratio in some processed meat. So it is healthier if the person consumes more grass-fed meat than processed meat.

We can conclude at the end that CLA has huge health effects in the human organism and is recommended to have it on daily basis. It helps in a lot of medical conditions and in the prevention of many diseases. Since it reduces the body fat, it also increases the energy in the human organism and helps the person to fight the obesity or the weight gain. The ratio of the fat and muscles is also affected since the lean muscles are increased and the fat cells are prevented from getting bigger.